速報APP / 遊戲 / Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game

Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game


檔案大小:31.1 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語

Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game(圖1)-速報App

Mole Garden, a Special Funny Plumber Game.

Found ourselves in the Mole Garden. Help Moles build a fairyland of beautiful flowers and Sweet Odours.

*** FEATURES ***

● Easy to Start, Fun to play, Tough to master!

● Flower Quest - Collect 20 Kinds of Flowers!

● Reclaim Mole Garden, Build a Fairyland of Beautiful Flowers!

● Screenshots Share, Show your beautiful Garden to your friends on Facebook!

● Global Ranking, Contest with players all over the world!

● Find out the last Hidden Level in Story Mode!

*** How to Play ***

● Story Mode

- Click to rotate the pipes.

Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game(圖2)-速報App

- Connect pipelines to the lake and make flowers bloom.

- Make All flowers bloom to win the level!

● Casual & Challenge Mode

- Make the flowers bloom to get scores and reclaim wasteland in Mole Garden.

- Reclaim all wasteland to win the level.

- Time limited in Challenge Mode.

● Special Pipes

- Make 2 flowers bloom to create SPECIAL pipes.

- Make 4 flowers bloom to create SUPER pipes.

- Make 6 flowers bloom to create HYPER pipes.

- Eliminate special pipes to double your scores.

● More Flowers for you to unlock

Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game(圖3)-速報App

Go and have a challenge!

Ace Mole Garden - Flower Plumber Game(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad