速報APP / 生活品味 / 涼曼荼羅填顏色為成人






版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




✣一天不好?需要一些東西把邊緣掉了一下嗎?我們已經有了你的事情!全新✌涼曼荼羅填顏色為成人✌將為您提供一種“抗壓力著色”書籍,將以其華麗的“曼荼羅為成年人著色”而著迷。通過簡單的使用這個“曼荼羅著色書”進入一個神秘和奇妙的世界,這將使您的著色體驗達到一個全新的水平!你肯定會被這些驚人的圓形形狀的華麗所吸引。這是一個完美的解決方案,壓力你的繁忙,永遠的完整的日程安排給你每一天。打開一個迷人的新世界的門,一個“成人的著色書”必將緩解你內部的緊張局勢。 ✌涼曼荼羅填顏色為成人✌可以是你的免費看到和使用!所以,你沒有理由繼續等待 - 現在下載享受!


✔各種各樣的著色頁面 - 享受芒果和幾何圖案的迷人圖像的大量收集,放出如此輕鬆的氣氛,畫他們將在公園散步;






✣無論如何,這些神秘的圈子究竟在“成人彩色書”曼陀羅著色頁"?這裡有一些關於他們的簡短(但有趣的)歷史:鬆散地翻譯成“圓”,曼陀羅遠遠不止一個簡單的形狀。它代表整體,並且可以被看作是生命本身的組織結構的模型- 一個宇宙圖,提醒我們與無限的世界,超越和體現在我們身體和心靈之間的世界。曼德拉可以由個人創造,象徵著他們的生活之旅。曼達拉斯也可以講述一個人在哪裡的故事。



This “coloring book for adults free” will give you such features as:

✔ A wide variety of coloring pages - enjoy a large collection of enthralling images of mandalas and geometric patterns that dispense such a relaxing atmosphere that painting them will be a walk in the park;

✔ Pretty color palettes with many colors in each: choose one that suits you most and paint a picture with colors ranging from soft to lively and dynamic;


✔ Editing effects, such as zooming your coloring pages in or out in order to adjust for more precise paintings;

✔ Quick sharing: when finished just share your masterpieces with friends by email and on social networks;

✣ These are indeed stressful times we are living in. For this reason exactly is why we need “ coloring apps for adults” like ✌ Cool Mandalas Coloring Book ✌. It might seem immature at first for an adult to color a drawing, but there's a reason why these “coloring books” are rapidly growing in popularity. The answer is quite simple: they are effective. Shapes of these circles and their colorful display make “mandala coloring for adults” an enjoyable sight especially for adults, which, of course, doesn't limit its use to adults only. Regardless of your age, these shapes are here to help you take it easy. Put your feet up, and get coloring with this fantastic app that will make your life a tad easier for you! It is a well known fact that taking care of dozens of things each day can be both physically and emotionally draining, and every moment of relaxation is welcome. Now you can have that moment basically anywhere given the fact that this will be on your cellphone which you most likely carry around with you everywhere.

✣ Anyway, what exactly are these mysterious circles that are featured in “colorify coloring book for adults”? Here is some brief (but interesting) history about them: Loosely translated to mean 'circle', a mandala is far more than a simple shape . It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relation to the infinite, the world that extends both beyond and within our bodies and minds. Mandalas can be created by individuals to symbolize their journeys through life. Mandalas can also tell a story of where an individual has been.


✣ With ✌ Cool Mandalas Coloring Book ✌ you will make your life easier and express your creative side. It's an awesome combination which you will not regret downloading!
