版本需求:Android 2.1 以上版本
JMediatz is the global platform and an online radio linking billions of
people through mounting the pressure on technology. We pioneer the
creation of technology as the road map by defining the discipline before
addressing the responsibility of the role in championing the global market,
thereafter linking destination (vision) with current reality by providing
scientifically proven technology through execution of all strategies which
call and keep attention of any audience.
Remember we are the quality
driven, we therefore refuse to ship a poor-quality service, we can just say
poor quality service is a never found entity in our to do-list.
JMediatz is the corner stone and comfortable zone by being a moral oriented
your shadow leaves you in darkness but JMediatz sticks to you under
whatever circumstance.
For realible source of information in this global village where JMediatz
dwells, our core values are sustainability, innovation and excellence.
JMediatz is at your hand now!