速報APP / 遊戲 / System 2

System 2





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



System 2(圖1)-速報App

Based on Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast and Slow", there are two systems, where the author called System 1 and System 2, running in human mind. System 1 is used for fast and intuitive thinking while System 2 is used for slow and deliberate thinking.

System 2(圖2)-速報App

Intuitive and instinctive thinking (System 1) is important for quick and routine responses that are crucial for survival purposes. However, it is subjected to errors and biases that are often hard to detect.

System 2(圖3)-速報App

Deliberate and effortful thinking (System 2) is in charge of the slow rational thinking. It is usually slow and requires mental energy. The consequence of using this thinking is that human will have less thinking biases and therefore make more accurate decisions.

System 2(圖4)-速報App

Doing maths is never an intuitive and natural task for human mind. It requires deliberate mental effort to perform even the simplest addition. This game is called "System 2" because it challenges human mind to use System 2 in order to give correct answers.

System 2(圖5)-速報App

This game "System 2" is designed to be simple to play. There are only two input required from user which are the plus and minus signs to give correct answers. He/she need to provide correct answers within a limited amount of time in order to continue further for higher scores. The user is challenged to engage both his/her System 1 for fast answer and System 2 for correct answer.

System 2(圖6)-速報App

There are three difficulty levels (Easy, Normal and Hard). The easy game requires the minimal mental effort and sometimes it is even possible to answer correctly with intuitive decision without doing the full calculation.

System 2(圖7)-速報App

Moving on to the normal level, the intuitive thinking can still serve the user well for providing quick and correct answers but only up to a certain scores.

System 2(圖8)-速報App

At the hard level, the intuitive thinking will completely break down and the user will not be able to provide correct answers without engaging his/her System 2, which is the slow and effortful thinking.

The overall game is very very straight forward and fun to play and requires minimal learning curve. It is suitable for kids and adults alike.

The game has built-in statistics to keep track of the user's performance of each game. It is useful for monitoring user's mind alertness by keeping on playing the game.

Want to know whether your mind is sharp and clear at any moment? Just play the game to find out.