速報APP / 遊戲 / FSi C172

FSi C172



檔案大小:24.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 5.1.1 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


FSi C172(圖1)-速報App

FSi C172 is the ultimate instrument panel for your favorite flight simulator. It allows you to completely hide the cockpit of the Flight Simulator, so you can enjoy both beautiful instruments and scenery.

IMPORTANT - this app is intended for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, Prepar 3D or X-Plane users and is not usable on its own. You will need the iPad and the computer running the simulator to be on the same network.

The instrument panel is themed after Cessna C172, but will work with any aircraft you wish to fly.

The app has the following instruments and functions:

Airspeed Indicator

Attitude Indicator with adjustable reference bars

Altimeter with adjustable pressure setting

Turn coordinator

FSi C172(圖2)-速報App

Heading indicator with adjustable heading bug and correction for drift

Vertical Speed Indicator

Tachometer with hour meter

Course Deviation Indicator with Glideslope Indicator and adjustable Omni Bearing Selector (connected to NAV1 receiver)

Course Deviation Indicator with adjustable Omni Bearing Selector (connected to NAV2 receiver)

Automatic Direction Finder with adjustable heading

Vacuum gauge/Ammeter

Fuel Quantity Indicator

FSi C172(圖3)-速報App

Exhaust Gas Temperature Indicator with adjustable reference needle/Fuel Flow Indicator

Oil Temperature/Pressure gauge


Magnetic compass

Annunciator panel with test and dim switch

Toggle buttons for GPS and Radio stack (show/hide these panels on the PC screen)

Flaps indicator and control lever

Day and night themes

FSi C172(圖4)-速報App

Automatic server discovery through Bonjour services

FSi C172(圖5)-速報App
