速報APP / 活動 / Planerr






版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Planerr – is an event planning application for Travel, Movies and Dine Outs with your closed ones.

Planerr provides you the information like what is your mate’s flake rate (Flake: a person who drops out of a plan at the last moment) and to which percent are they interested in attending the events.


Friends at Glance

Pick the friends through the contacts and create your own groups of interest.

Flake Picks

Now it is easy to pick the people who turns down your plans every now and then. Every individual is given a flake rate (Flake: a person who drops out of a plan at the last moment) based on their previous event responses.


Event Planning

Plan your events (Travel, Movies, Dine Outs) at your convenience and finalize upon the discussion with your friends taking their suggestions.

Exclusive chat for an Event.

With the individual chat for every event make it clear with the set of friends about an event.

Preferential Planning

Edit your trips considering the suggestions of your friends using the suggest screen available on the chat screen.

Individual Stats


Know your friends’ interests in participating in the events. Look into their individual profiles for the detailed statistics of their event interests.

Travel Planning:

Plan a trip with a source and a single or multiple destinations with specifying the event dates, stay and expected budget for each destination which helps in understanding the event plan in a much better way. Once an event is created a chat box will be created for an event which needs your and your friends’ acceptance to the plan to enter into it. Upon accepting you can discuss over the group chat and take suggestions and edit your plan if needed and finalize the trip.

Movie Planning:

Plan a movie event with your pick of movie, time and the place of the movies. Once an event is created a chat box will be created for an event which needs your and your friends’ acceptance to enter into it. Upon accepting you can discuss over the group chat and take suggestions and edit your plan if needed and finalize the trip.

Dine out Planning:

Plan a dine out event with your pick of friends and family considering your interest of restaurant and the timing of your convenience.


** On Profile page of every individual you can get to know the event statistics. No of accepted, Flaked and pending events. Alongside you will have a overall flake rate of the individual and the respective category flake rates. Which ensures how far an individual is interested in involving the events.
