檔案大小:49 MB
版本需求:OS X 10.9.0 或以上版本,64 位元處理器
FancyQR is designed to help with creating awesome QR Codes to make your QR Codes Standout.
* FancyQR has all the functionality of QR Generator
* You can Use URLs, Text, Email Addresses, or Phone Number to Generate QRCodes.
* You can add Background Image to make your QR Codes Standout.
* FancyQR has ability to add your logo to your QR codes
* You also can change Foreground and Background Colors.
* You can resize the dot size
* FancyQR allows you to enter as much data as you like
* FancyQR allows you to change the color of your QR codes
* FancyQR allows you to export QR Code you generate