速報APP / 個人化 / Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons

Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons





版本需求:Android 2.2 以上版本



聯絡地址:서울 구로구 구로3동 222-31 G+코오롱디지털타워 907호 (주)아이커넥트

Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons(圖1)-速報App

Tie the top Cute bear Kuma Kawa!

Now Kuma Kawa Meet the many faces~

* Artist - yatsuha sion

Mobile - http://bit.ly/WKbzpW / PC - http://bit.ly/WgNJ6r


[" Phone theme Shop themes" how to use ]

Kuma Kawa1 down after receiving an emoticon

Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons(圖2)-速報App

I am using the messenger , SNS is expressed through the mind now!

[ Theme copyright ]

Theme, the theme of the phone in the shop all copyright and any unauthorized distribution, and theft,

Similar replication, and may be punished legally .

*** Support ***

- Contact : carismaeo@gmail.com

- Official Blog : http://blog.naver.com/crazy2124

Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons(圖3)-速報App

- Facebook : www.facebook.com / phonethemeshop

- Production and services company ( shares ) Kids Connect, phone themes Shop

Kuma Kawa1 Emoticons(圖4)-速報App