速報APP / 購物 / Buy To America

Buy To America





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Buy To America(圖1)-速報App

BuytoAmerica eshte nje sherbim online qe mundeson dergesat nderkombetare nga Amerika ne cdo vend tjeter te botes.

Mund te blini ne dyqanet Amerikane dhe t'i sillni produktet te dera e shtepise tuaj.

BuytoAmerica eshte partner zyrtar i DHL-se si dhe i postave te tjera nderkombetare si USPS, Fedex etj.

Sherbimi mundeson dergimin e produkti duke nisur nga pajisjet elektronike, veshje, aksesore, lodra e karroca per femije, jet ski, pjese kembimi per makina dhe deri te vete makina.

BuyToAmerica.com ju vjen ne ndihme te gjithe atyre qe:

Buy To America(圖2)-速報App

- Kerkojne te blejne online ne dyqanet amerikane por nuk mund t'i sjellin produktet ne vendet e tyre.

- Te afermit ne Amerike ju kane blere produkte por nuk mund t'jua dergojne pasi kosto e dergesave nderkombetare eshte e larte

- Kane nje biznes qe tregeton produkte qe gjenden vetem ne Amerike me kosto te ulet

Menyra e funksionimit eshte shume e thjeshte.

1- Mjafton te regjistroheni ne www.buytoamerica.com dhe ju japim

Buy To America(圖3)-速報App

adresen e magazinave tona ne New York, Amerike.

2- Kur blini online perdorni kete adrese per produktet tuaja.

Per shume faqe amerikane si www.amazon.com, www.ebay.com, www.bestbuy.com etj brenda Amerikes transporti eshte falas.

3. Kur produkti mbrrin ne magazinat tona ne New York, ju shfaqet ne portalin tuaj.

Me pas mund te perzgjidhni cmimin dhe se me cilen poste deshironi ta dergoni (DHL, USPS, Fedex etj).

Buy To America(圖4)-速報App

Tregjet kryesore ku ne operojme jane Londra, Arabia Saudite, Rusia, Japonia si dhe vendet e Ballkanit si Shqiperia, Greqia, Mali i Zi, Kosova e Maqedonia.


Buy to America is an online service that allows international deliveries from USA to any other country in the world.

You can shop in any online store in USA and have the products brought to your door.

Buy To America is an official partner of DHL and other postal services like USPS, FedEx etc.

Buy To America(圖5)-速報App

This service enables deliveries of a large variety of products, including electronic gadgets, clothes, accessories, toys, jet-ski, automobile parts and cars as well!

BuyToAmerica.com help all the people who:

- want to buy online in american shops, but can’t have their products been brought at their homes.

- have bought products for their relatives, but can’t send them because of the international shipping high prices.

- own businesses which need equipment found only in USA with low costs

Buy To America(圖6)-速報App

The way BuyToAmerica works is quite easy:

1- All you need to do is to register at www.buytoamerica.com or inside the app and we will provide you with the address of our magazines in New York, USA.

2- When you buy online we offer you an address for your items.

For many pages like www.amazon.com, www.ebay.com, www.bestbuy.com etc inside USA shipping is free.

3- When the product arrives in New York, you might see it in your BuyToAmerica account.

Buy To America(圖7)-速報App

After, you might choose the shipping service you want, based on its price.

We operate in markets like London, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Japan and in Balkans countries like Albania, Greece, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia.

Buy To America(圖8)-速報App