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Daily Motivation Self Improvement





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Daily Motivation Self Improvement(圖1)-速報App

Self improvement happens by knowing yourself

The ancient Greeks already knew the importance of knowing oneself. In fact, they carved “Know thyself” in Apollo’s temple, in Delphi. Knowing our qualities, weaknesses, what makes us happy, what we want, who we want to be is essential for self improvement.

It is also essential to know how we respond emotionally to the different events of our life or our emotional intelligence. Awareness about oneself is essential in order to be able to modify those aspects that we considered are flawed. A very useful way to do this is through mindfulness. However, you can also get it by paying more attention to your emotional states and analyzing where they come from. It is also important that you become aware of what things improve or worsen your mood.

Daily Motivation Self Improvement(圖2)-速報App

Another technique or strategy that can help you improve your personal development is to use a mood journal. This way you will have more control over your own feelings and emotions.

The self improvement strategy that works best is to find out what makes you happy. Explore your vital goals and objectives. Ask yourself: Where is my life going? Am I satisfied with it? How do I want to be remembered when I’m gone? You can also make a list of your goals and objectives to keep them in mind.

Take responsibility to start self improvement

Daily Motivation Self Improvement(圖3)-速報App

Many times, when something does not go as we would like in our life we fall into the negativity, feeling like victims or complaining. A self improvement strategy that you must apply is not to blame others for what happens to you. Although others may have some responsibility, you have the last word. Not taking responsibility for your life makes change very difficult and it will be impossible to grow and progress.

Daily Motivation Self Improvement(圖4)-速報App