版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
Do you have hands? Fingers crossed. Well, not if you don't have hands, and then sorry about that. But if you do, this is the game for you! Use those hands to move around blocks, just like your forefathers and their forefathers before them. Basically, you get blocks of increasing size and you try to fit them all together without leaving holes. It's a game as old as time, really, and not just since the early 1980s. Hadrian's Wall is founded on much the same principle, as were the Great Pyramids. So, a rich tradition to draw on. The blocks can shimmy side to side, or spin in circles, or even reflect over an axis. And the more lines you make without holes, the larger the blocks get. Fun for the whole family? Not all at once, but you can take turns. Or have multiple phones. Late stage capitalism is all the rage these days. Speaking of capitalism, the game is free and has no ads. It doesn't even ask for reviews. I mean, nobody will stop you, you can leave one if you want.