速報APP / 影音播放與編輯 / 11Giraffes Digital Signage

11Giraffes Digital Signage





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖1)-速報App

11Giraffes - Digital Signage That Stands Above The Rest

This media player application supports digital signage, in-store and on-hold music and audio messaging. It is intended for use with the 11Giraffes digital signage content management platform and requires paid subscription.

Display branded video and images, real-time weather, news, financial market details and sports scores. Present in-store and on-hold music and audio messaging.

This media player supports playback of client uploaded high-definition video and images, client uploaded audio messages, video created using 11Giraffes templates, licensed images, video and RSS/MRSS data available within the 11Giraffes platform, and 11Giraffes content partner music programming.

Extensive scheduling features allow content to be scheduled by time, date, day-of-week, weather condition, upon presence of a weather or civil alert, by location, within a group of locations, and shared metadata tag.

For additional information on this or 11Giraffes Interactive, visit http://11giraffes.com or contact your 11Giraffes dealer.

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖2)-速報App

11Giraffes has tested and recommends use of this app with the Outform iDISPLAY family of devices, the Cenique C410, Nanotech/Nuvola NP-C, and NEC OPS-DRD. Additional hardware is continually evaluated and being added to the endorsed device list. This application will run on other media players, tablets, phones, set-top-boxes or enabled-TVs running Android version 2.3 (Gingerbread) or higher. Android 4.04 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher is recommended. Configuration of OS settings is required.

Instructions for installation & recommended configuration:

1. Connect to wireless network

2. Set time zone

3. Download and install ‘11Giraffes Digital Signage’ application from Google Play store

4. Launch by clicking the ‘11Giraffes’ icon

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖3)-速報App

5. *Enter email address on the on-screen form

6. *Click on the link in the confirmation email

7. *Complete the online payment form

8. *Configure the device and user account

9. Disable notifications for all applications

10. Configure ‘11Giraffes Digital Signage’ player to automatically update

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖4)-速報App

11. Remove ‘Network notification’

12. Disable ‘Auto-sync data’

13. Disable all system sounds

14. Set background or wallpaper to black

15. Where supported, set Screen Scale to fill screen

16. Where supported, set ‘HDMI Mode’ to 1280 x 720 for improved performance (1920x1080 and 3840x2160 resolution are also supported)

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖5)-速報App

17. Turn off all location services

* Note that certified 11Giraffes resellers may skip steps 5-8 and contact 11Giraffes Support or complete configuration using the 11Giraffes administration tools.

Previous release history - - - - - - - - - -

Version 2.1.0

Minor updates specific for Android 4.4 (KitKat)

Version 2.0.1

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖6)-速報App

Added support for animated video background templates

Version 1.12

Added permissions identified as required for future updates

Improved app recovery when OS crashes

Added timer to restart when app is exited or closed

Improved storage detection

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖7)-速報App

Added support for Android v2.3

Version 1.11

Addressed various bugs

Tweaked sdcard detection to better handle other hardware devices

Images are now scaled instead of stretched to fill screen

Added more hang detection for increased playback reliability

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖8)-速報App

Added network handling for better connection stability

11Giraffes Digital Signage(圖9)-速報App