速報APP / 遊戲 / LabBall






版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Welcome Test Subject #27!

Before we activate you in the lab lets cover some things first! You are on the verge of a new beginning for humanity, just imagine what we can do when we finally succeed creating a sentient AI!

Well... Of course, we had some issues beforehand with some other AI, we call them the "Corrupted" but we were able to contain them, even though some skeptics believe that we really never can seal/contain them, however that didn't stop us and right now you're our 27th test subject.

I do feel though as if other scientists will at one point not allow me to practice my testing methods... It doesn't bother me though, after all, in the end, my tests should come out on top and create an AI which will push humanity to the future at unimaginable speeds.

So, the tests that I will put you through are at first just "Motion" tests, the simplest test form possible, something people first did when testing AI's learning, afterward I'm planning to do some more ambitious tests but I will currently make sure you can handle the motion of your "Body".

Alright, I have work to do to make sure the test is ready completely, see you then.


Log ending....

Main features of the game:

-Wonderful story to experience

-Challenging motion controls but are satisfying to learn, take your time and experiment.

-Arcade platforming

-Enemy AI to avoid

