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Zakat Calculator





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Zakat Calculator(圖1)-速報App

Alhamdulillah, Ramadan is here and it’s our sacred duty to pay zakat al fitr in this holy month of Ramadan. The common question is what is the percentage/amount of zakat to be paid, and how to calculate zakat? Zakat al fitrah can be calculated using our calculator for the year 2018M / 1439H.

It is recommended that near the end of Ramadhan / Sawm, one should take a look at one’s savings and valuables, and from that baseline calculate zakat using our calculator. In this, Zakat how to calculate it? Is stepwise described in the description and our app using the latest rates from the mustanid authorities will give the best approximation of the zakat payable on your assets.

Who to pay zakat to?: Verily pay zakat to the ones who need it the most.

As Quran says : Zakah expenditures are only for the poor and for the needy and for those employed to collect [zakat] and for bringing hearts together [for Islam] and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for those in debt and for the cause of Allah and for the [stranded] traveler - an obligation [imposed] by Allah. And Allah is Knowing and Wise.

Zakat can be paid to Muslims as well as Non-Muslims for ( ‘ta’lif-e qulub’ ).

Zakãt is wãjib (obligatory) on the following nine items:

Coins: silver; gold

Cattle: cows; sheep and goats; camels

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Crops: wheat; barley; dates; raisins

Commonly asked questions regarding Zakat Al Fitr.

How many kilograms of rice for the amount of zakat fitrah per person? If in a liter, How many?

"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam obliged zakat fitri, for men and women, both free and slave, in the form of a sha'adma or a sha' of wheat." (Narrated by Imam Bukhari 1511 and Muslim 2327)

"We used to pay zakat fitri with one sha 'food, or one sha' wheat, or one sha 'date, or one sha' cheese or stu sha 'wine." (Narrated by imam Bukhari 1506 & Muslim 2330)

In this hadith, it is stated explicitly that the content of zakat fitri is a sha ' foodstuff.

What is sha ' ?

Sha ' is a measure of not a scale. The size of the " sha ' " measure prevailing in the time of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam is sha 'the people of Medina. That is equivalent to 4 muds .

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One mud is a measure of one full coverage of two commonly combined hands. Thus, one sha 'is four times the full coverage of the two normally joined hands.

Since sha ' is a measure of measure, it is generally difficult to adjust (convert) size to weight because the weight value of one sha' is different depending on the weight of the type of object being tested. One sha ' flour has a weight not equal to the weight of one sha' of rice. Therefore, the ideal, the size of zakat fitri based on the dosage is not based on the scales.

The religious scholars ( Lajnah Daimah , no fatwa: 12572) have done research that one sha ' for rice and wheat weighs about 3 kg.

Summary of zakat rate:

1 sha’ = 4 mud

1 mud = full coverage of the two combined normal palms

1 sha ' = 4 times full coverage of the two combined normal palms

1 sha 'of rice is roughly equivalent to 3 kg of rice.

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1 sha ' wheat is approximately equivalent to 3 kg of wheat.

For zakat fitrah 3 kg is a safer limit, its much advantageous to pay a bit more than to pay less, and the more will be counted as alms.

Zakat al fitrah can also be:

3.5 Litres of Rice

1Litre = 0.89 Kilogram

3.5 x 0.89 = 3.115 Kilogram

Price of Rice in Kg, multiply by 3.115 = Zakat al fitrah payable in Currency / Money.

And if you have followed the one Sha’ as 3 kg rice then just multiply by “3”.

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Every Muslim country local clerical body announces the year’s zakat rate, for example, In Malaysia Annually Sultan Selangor announces the mount of zakat al fitrah payable, in state of Selangor.

Zakat Calculator(圖6)-速報App