檔案大小:7.9 MB
版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。
You hold livestock? This is your app. Record any trait of each animal. From date of birth and pedigree to date of death, cause of death (or abattoir kill results). Recording animal weights will give you insight into growth. Forecast slaughter-ready volumes. Record fodder, medication, treatments, milk quantity and quality, wool and meat yields. Despite the hundreds of possibilities, the app is easy to use. It comes with 24/7 support for subscribers. The app also takes care of regulatory issues (in slected countries), making it very easy to comply with traceability requirements.
This app is suitable for sheep, goats, pigs and cattle, who have been (electronically) tagged with unique numeric identifiers. (Alfanumeric, visual identifiers can be linked to any ID). Data is stored safely in the cloud. Subscribers can access all data via the app, as well as via a browser.
Litams version 3.0 lets you:
• Measure and improve genetics
• Increase reproduction rates
• Reduce mortality
• Produce more kilograms per hectare
• Reduce costs of fodder and supplements
• Improve farm quality assurance
• Reduce labour content
• Generate digital documents, eg AWB, food safety certificate, etc
支援平台:iPhone, iPad