版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本
聯絡地址:Control in applied Physiology / Regelungstechnik in der Physiology (CP) Fliederweg 13 14624 Dallgow Germany
"Farming with Sensors is so much easier !" We place a backpack on the fruit (apple, citrus fruit, pear, peach, tomato, banana etc. The sensor data contain information on the orange/red pigments of the fruits measured using an index called NAI. Usually, the NAI increases during fruit development.
Also, the sensor provides information on the chlorophyll pool of the fruit using the index NDVI. Most climacteric fruits show a decrease of the chlorophylls during fruit development. When the climacteric is reached, the degradation rate of chlorophyll becomes faster. Resulting, the measurable NDVI decreases faster.
All these data are collected in-situ, while the fruit is still attached to the plant. The fruit can be measured in storage as well. This mobile App visualizes the fruit development in orchards (apple, orange, olive, etc.) or greenhouses (tomato) or postharvest (apple, banana, etc.).
Some users provide their data as open access to the users of this FIORAMA App. Resulting, you can monitor and compare how the crop is developing.
If you want to collect your own data, the relevant sensor is required. Please contact the company CP (www.cp-info.de) for more information.
The FIORAMA tool provides an insight in fruit development relevant for orchard managers, storage managers, retailer, marketing, as well as in research and for students of plant physiology and horticulture.