速報APP / 遊戲 / Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本




Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖1)-速報App

Tiger Cub Rescue Game is another point and click escape game developed by Kavi Escape Games. In a beautiful and picturesque village, the scenery is beautiful. The village was beautiful throughout. In that village a tiger cub was changing. The tiger cub was unexpectedly stuck in a house there. It is your duty to save the tiger cub from there and get there. It will help you to find the hidden clues to save the tiger cub. Find all the tricks and save that tiger cub and congratulate you to win the game. The game is highly desirable and is designed to work for the brain. Good luck and have a fun!

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖2)-速報App

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖3)-速報App

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖4)-速報App

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖5)-速報App

Tiger Cub Rescue Kavi Escape Game-333(圖6)-速報App