速報APP / 商業 / AAClothing




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版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



"Our mission is to support USA families and jobs by producing high-quality clothing in the USA at an affordable price. By keeping our production in the USA we provide jobs and a tax base that supports our communities."

"We care about our country and the people in it; if we were only in it for money we would move our production overseas. We will NOT trade USA jobs for foreign profits..."


The Birth of an American Company

It was 2002, Lawson Nickol had a job he enjoyed and an income that supported his family. Looking down the road he saw promise of a comfortable retirement. But he didn't foresee the approaching bump in the road. As a sales manager for a USA jeans manufacturer, he believed he was doing the right thing by selling a product that was as American as "apple pie and baseball". One evening while shopping in a retail store he discovered his company's label on a pair of jeans; a style he had not seen before. His initial reaction was "great, our retail division has branched into chain stores and that means healthy growth. This is good!" Wrong.... unfortunately that bump in the road had just arrived. Lawson noticed the label indicated "Made in Mexico". With a frantic and disappointing call to headquarters he confirmed the tag was accurate. Suddenly there was a disturbing realization; his employer had begun to outsource.


Where We Are

What he did about it: The thought of sending jobs outside our borders didn't sit well with Lawson and he was certain it would not be acceptable to the USA labor market where he had sold for years. His passion and reputation was built by offering quality USA Made jeans. This discovery was devastating. Within days he turned in his resignation.


A hope and a dream: Lawson could not let his employer ruin his reputation or let greed crush his passion for supporting American workers and his family. He decided he must continue to support USA made and the loyal clients that still want to buy USA, even if he had to make the jeans himself....and that was the beginning of All American Clothing Co. The first several years were tough, the company survived on family savings, taking financial risks and working long hours. Yet each year the company continued to grow. The dream came true....Today, All American Clothing Co. produces thousands of jeans per year and continues to provide many Americans with jobs!

With our mobile app, you can participate in the "Made in America" movement by visiting our Home site, as well as accessing our social media feeds...ALL IN ONE PLACE!


支援平台:iPhone, iPad