速報APP / 購物 / ReCheck




檔案大小:58 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。




ReCheck gives the opportunity to brands to digitally engrave/mark their product as

authentic and enables end-users to assure that the products they buy are original and with proven identity. To provide maximum independence and security of the service ReCheck uses blockchain technology to store product identity data, ownership records,

guarantee information, etc. This ensures that customers who bought products carrying

ReCheck tag will be able to prove ownership and product identity independently, without

the need for a centralized service.

*** FEATURES ***

ReCheck aims to provide 3-levels deep verification service - production, ownership,


aftermarket. Buyers can verify the authenticity of a product, they can claim ownership and they can transfer the ownership in case of selling the item second-hand. At each of these steps, the item can be checked against the ownership and identity data on the

blockchain. Additionally, producers can encode guarantee parameters, which can reduce

the paperwork hassle for both the consumer and the producer. Each brand has the option to introduce gamification and customer feedback, thus receiving independent from the retail network feedback.


The target users of ReCheck are premium buyers who own a smartphone. ReCheck is a

mobile application with very simple to use interface. The only thing that users need to do

when verifying the identity of a product is to scan the QR code on the tag or to tap on the

NFC area (optional). The application then displays the status of the verification. When users purchase a product, they can claim ownership by entering a secret code attached to the ReCheck tag. At that point, the code is no more needed and can be removed.


*** HOW IT WORKS ***

ReCheck incorporates QR code, identity code and a secret code, protected and backed

by the Ethereum blockchain. As an option, the tag may utilize NFC as means of quick and

reliable identity check. Anytime anyone can check the availability and authenticity of a certain product.


The ReCheck tag is protected visually, on the level of physical integrity and

cryptographically. Customers can always check if a tag was “used” by checking a

self-destructive holographic sticker that keeps the folded parts together. Additionally, the


secret code is protected by a scratch-zone, so any attempt to unveil the secret code is

visually recognizable. And finally, the identity code is verifiable on the blockchain, but at the same time not extractable from the blockchain (one-way hashing).

