速報APP / 健康塑身 / Roller Derby Injury Tracker

Roller Derby Injury Tracker







Roller Derby Injury Tracker(圖1)-速報App

Targets understanding the types of injuries roller derby skater’s experience, the frequency of those injuries, the types of health care providers seen, and treatment sought by age 18+ roller derby athletes.

Conceived by Dr. Michelle Cathorall for use in her academic study “A Prospective Study of Roller Derby Injuries.”

Why you’ll love it:

- Designed specifically for injured roller derby athletes with enlarged buttons and simple pages made for easy and quick navigation.

- Completely anonymous participation.

Roller Derby Injury Tracker(圖2)-速報App

- Uses Google Authentication to better protect your injury data. No third-party access. Period.

- You can delete all your data at the click of a button if you decide you no longer want to participate in this research study at any time.


Source of App Icon Image:


Roller Derby Injury Tracker(圖3)-速報App



Copyright Specific:


App Icon Image Modified By: Tess Brown

Roller Derby Injury Tracker(圖4)-速報App

Modifications to App Icon Image Made: The image was used as a base to trace over. The person on the right is also a male now per request of our client Dr. Michelle Cathorall. Some colors were changed around as well.

Roller Derby Injury Tracker(圖5)-速報App