速報APP / 生活品味 / 愛計算器: 夫婦測試

愛計算器: 夫婦測試





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖1)-速報App

♥你的伴侶是你的完美選擇嗎?好奇知道你在一起多久了?現在你可以很容易的檢查你的“愛的兼容性”感謝✱愛計算器: 夫婦測試✱!找出你是一個完美的匹配,通過這個“真正的愛情測試”,將幫助您計算確切的天數,你和男朋友或女朋友在一起。現在你可以做一個模擬測試來計算你的浪漫情懷!你只需要輸入你的名字,你的粉絲,他或她的出生日期,以及你的這個“愛情計數器”顯示你的兼容性的確切百分比。這個終極關係計算器會告訴你你與同伴一起度過的日子。沒有其他幾個測試應用程序會給你像這樣的精確答案,所以停止搜索 - 你已經找到了市場上最好的“愛匹配”應用程序!




愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖2)-速報App





愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖3)-速報App





愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖4)-速報App

♥你和你的噓聲像一個鍋裡的兩個豌豆,還是你生活在一個妥協的世界?參加這個測驗,發現您和您的伴侶是否打算在一起!這個令人難以置信的“愛情測試者”將給你答案你花在一起多少時間,他是一個!你唯一需要做的就是輸入你的名字和姓氏,讓這個很酷的“愛情表”計算你的關係兼容性。你永遠不知道,你們中的兩個可能是一對理想的情侶!學會珍惜你的關係與這個夢幻般的✱愛計算器: 夫婦測試✱!

♥想知道你的愛有多深?現在你可以很容易的找出你的合作夥伴關心的多少,通過這個✱愛計算器: 夫婦測試✱!沒有更好的方法來測試你對男朋友或女朋友的感受,而不是做這個兼容性測驗。調理一下你的愛情生活,並建議你的伴侶去測試你的關係。他不會知道這只是一個惡作劇“情侶”,而不是真正的“愛情計算器”!您甚至可以在任何社交網絡上分享結果,並哄騙您的朋友,您去一個真正的配對者,以幫助您一次找到愛。

♥這個✱愛計算器: 夫婦測試✱將以百分比衡量你們兩隻愛鳥之間存在的激情。忘記其他配對的應用程序,當您可以享受使用這個模擬的完美匹配測試。玩這個有趣的“愛情計算器應用程序”,直到你得到你想要的數字,然後顯示給你的男朋友!這個令人敬畏的應用程序是為一般的笑話和惡作劇的女孩和男孩設計的。現在是時候向主屏幕上所有無聊的應用說再見!安裝免費這個令人著迷的愛“關係追踪者”,並活下來!

♥ Is your partner a perfect choice for you? Curious to know how long have you been together? Now you can easily check your “love compatibility” thanks to the ✱True Love Calculator: Couple Match Test✱! Find out are you a perfect match by taking this “true love test” that will help you to calculate the exact number of days you've been together with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Now you can do a simulated test to count your romantic feelings! You only need to enter the name of you and your crush, his or her date of birth, yours as well, and let this “love counter” show you the exact percentage of your compatibility. This ultimate relationship calculator will tell you the number of days you've spent being with your companion. There is no other couple test app that will give you such precise answers like this one, so stop searching any longer – you've found the best “love matching” app on the market!

愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖5)-速報App

♥ Are you and your boo like two peas in a pot, or are you living in a world of compromise? Take this quiz and find if you and your partner are meant to be together! This incredible “love tester” will give you the answer how much time you spend together and is he the one! The only thing that you have to do is to type your both names and last names and let this cool “love meter” count your relation compatibility. You never know, the two of you might be an ideal couple! Learn to cherish your relationship with the help of this fantastic ✱True Love Calculator: Couple Match Test✱!

♥ Want to know how deep is your love? Now you can easily find out how much does your partner care for you by taking this ✱True Love Calculator: Couple Match Test✱! There is no better way to test your feelings towards your boyfriend or girlfriend than doing this compatibility quiz. Spice up a little bit your love life and suggest to your partner to put to the test your relationship. He will not know that this is just a prank “app for couples” and not the real “love calculator ”! You can even share the results on any social network and trick your friends that you went to a real matchmaker to help you find love at once.

♥ This ✱True Love Calculator: Couple Match Test✱ will measure the passion that exists between you two lovebirds in percentages. Forget about other couple matching apps, when you can actually enjoy using this simulated perfect match test. Play with this funny “love calculator app” till you get the number you want and then show it to your boyfriend! This awesome app is designed for both girls and boys who are into jokes and pranks in general. It's time to say goodbye to all the boring apps on your home screen ! Install for free this mesmerizing love “relationship tracker” and live it up!

愛計算器: 夫婦測試(圖6)-速報App