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Outdoor Workouts. Burn Fat & Build Muscl





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Outdoor Workouts. Burn Fat & Build Muscle anywhere(圖1)-速報App

Don't let your love of the gym make you miss a gorgeous day outside?

With this outdoor workouts, you will tone up, slim down, and sculpt all over.

Make the great outdoors your super-sized fitness field with these strength, fat-burning, and conditioning workouts.

The gym is great, kind of. It's where you do tough workouts to improve your conditioning. But pretty soon, it starts to feel like you're jumping from one fluorescent box (work) to another (the gym). All the while, you miss out on good things like sunlight and fresh air. Since gyms don't come with retractable roofs, it's time to take advantage of warmer weather. Here, a breakdown of why you should add outdoor training to your routine this spring, plus an effective workout (and warm-up) you can do in virtually any park or outdoor area.

Why To Do It Outside?

- You'll Probably Enjoy It

- You'll Save a Lot of Money

- You'll Benefit from the Sun

Outdoor Workouts. Burn Fat & Build Muscle anywhere(圖2)-速報App

- You'll Stay Germ-Free

Try them!

We love the gym as much the next person, but once the sun is shining we can’t help feeling that we should move our planned session outdoors. If you’re a fitness class regular or have a set free-weights routine, though, it can take a bit of thought to come up with a routine that works outdoors.

The weather gets warmer, the sleeves get shorter, the drinks get cooler, and the workouts get… non-existent. “I’m sweating anyway. Do I still need to exercise?” Yes, you do — sweating just because of high temperature does not come with the same physical benefits as sweating because of physical exertion. “How much of a set-back is it really to take a summer-long break from working out?” Quite substantial — you’ll notice in the fall when you get back to the gym. “Why would I spend a day like this indoors?”

Mixing things up in the summer is a-ok and doing something different can be great for the body.

Here’s the best part: you don’t have to. You can enjoy the sunshine and the warmth and still get your endorphins by taking your workout outside. Mixing things up in the summer is a-ok and doing something different can be great for the body. Don’t feel like you have to exercise for 60 minutes or it doesn’t count, either—a good 30-minute session just three times a week will take you a long way.

Are you worried that the lack of an instructor or coach means you won’t push yourself? Not a problem: strap your heart rate monitor on, and you’ll have your very own Personal Trainer with you. You can’t cheat the beats. So spread that sunscreen, fill up your water bottle, get your gear, and let’s do this!

The days are longer, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Spring is in full force, and it’s time to get outside for fresh air and to add variety to your workouts.

Outdoor Workouts. Burn Fat & Build Muscle anywhere(圖3)-速報App

Before you ditch your strength training sessions for biking, hiking, kayaking and other outdoor activities, ask yourself: Are these workouts enough to maintain my hard-earned strength? While these activities are fun, you’ll still need some lifting to maintain a well-balanced fitness routine. Luckily, we’ve got three killer workouts you can do outside to build some strength under the sun. These use some unconventional methods, so don’t be spooked at first glance!