速報APP / 教育 / BiFiC



檔案大小:14.7 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.3 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。



Binary Finger Counting - BiFiC

Using the BiFiC app is a fun and interactive way to learn how to "count like a computer"

Use the Help Page ? for explanations and instructions for using the app.


BiFiC introduces the core concept of binary numbers, zeros and ones, to aspiring young coders. The app also offers a method of counting in binary using your fingers. An open extended finger or thumb represents "1" and when closed a "0". You interact by swiping up or down on the fingers and thumbs.

There are ten (or should that be 1010) questions to test converting decimal numbers to binary numbers and another ten questions for testing the conversion of binary back to decimal. Each question is timed and shows a total for the whole quiz. How fast can you count in binary?

Hope you enjoy the topic and the BiFiC app.


email: support@jelittler.co.uk with any enquiries

Copyright: JeL August 2017.
