速報APP / 生產應用 / Ideamatch




檔案大小:50.5 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。



Ideamatch est une plateforme qui valorise le potentiel d'idéation de vos collaborateurs.

Véritable outil d'innovation, Ideamatch favorise la collaboration entre les différentes unités en interne ou en externe.

Cet outil est basé sur le concept des neurosciences de dissonance cognitive. Il stimule l’idéation en jouant sur le mécanisme des associations forcées. Les idées originales sont garanties.

Il révolutionne ainsi les anciennes séances d'idéation classiques (brainstorming..). Ideamatch contribue également à la transformation digitale en déployant un outil d’idéation numérique flexible. La plateforme permet finalement d'améliorer le déploiement d'une véritable culture de l'innovation au sein de votre entreprise.

C'est un outil d'idéation simple et ludique qui peut être utilisé à tout moment de la journée. Chaque utilisateur est intégré à un cercle restreint de collaborateurs avec qui il partage ses idées. Les idées générées sont partagées sur un feed d'actualité avec lequel chaque collaborateur peut interagir, à la manière d'un réseau social. Des notifications et des classements réguliers permettent d'entretenir la motivation de vos collaborateurs.

Ideamatch permet donc d'améliorer l’idéation et la cohésion de vos équipes tout en limitant le coût de l’idéation.

(1) Is your app a mobile extension of an existing service?

This app is a mobile extension of an existing service. This service "Ideamatch" aims to motivate ideation and collaboration in companies. The mobile extension is a collaborative platform that enable and values the generation of ideas.

(2) Does this existing service have a cost?

As this product is still in development, it is for now free of charge. Companies that are interested have to contact us using the field provided in the mobile application. Ideamatch team will then define with them a problematic, develop specific databases and start what we call a "10 days challenge" to solve the problematic of the company.

(3) What are the paid content or services, and what are the costs?

This app is free of charge and will alway be.


(4) Do individual customers pay for the content or services?


(5) If no, does a company or organization pay for the content or services?

As it still in development the company does not have to pay. However, in the future, companies or organization will have to pay to access more efficient and specific databases.

(6) Where do they pay, and what's the payment method?

The service is a free of charge.

(7) If users create an account to use your app, are there fees involved?

No fees involved for a user which create an account. The user will access a temporary "public" room where he can discover ALL the different functionnalities of the application. The number of databases provided are the only limitation (2 databases)

(8) Who is the intended audience of this app?

Companies and more specificaly workers in these companies.

(9) Is this app for the use of the employees of one single

company, partner companies or one organization only?

This app is for the use of employees in one single company, one single organization. Each company will have its own private "room" to share and create ideas. Workers will be added to these rooms depending on their company.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad