速報APP / 攝影 / PixBlur



檔案大小:24.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



PixBlur App offers awesome styles theme effects.  

You can enjoy PixBlur, to get unique picture effects like bluring, color effects, rainbow theme & masking your picture with variant shapes and background photos.

Rainbow Theme : 

Choose rainbow Color theme with different variant style.


Color Effect Theme : 

Apply various Color filter themes over your picture as Tint layer.

Blur Effect Theme : 

Choose Blur effect theme with different variant style.


Mask Blur Effect Theme : 

Choose Masking theme with blurred effect. You can apply different background image to make more beauty to your Photo.

Mask Effect Theme : 

Choose Mask effect theme with different variant of shape. You can apply different background image to make your Photo more stylish.


You can share your picture on Instagram, WhatsApp & Facebook after applying different filters. Or you can Save your picture in phone memory also.

Enjoy PixBlur….


支援平台:iPhone, iPad