速報APP / 教育 / Rise & Shine New Cairo

Rise & Shine New Cairo



檔案大小:31.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Rise & Shine New Cairo(圖1)-速報App

NOTE: This application access is restricted to Rise and Shine students and parents.

Key Features:


* Keeping you up to date on the Rise and Shine announcements.

**About Rise and Shine**

Rise & Shine New Cairo(圖2)-速報App


Rise and Shine Kinder care nursery provides a warm, loving and stimulating environment which will promote all areas of your child’s development.

Mission :

We believe every child deserves the best possible start in life to support and fulfill their potential. We aim to provide a warm, loving and stimulating environment which will promote all areas of your child’s development. A child’s experiences in the early years have a major impact on their future life chances.Your child will experience a broad and balanced curriculum which will be differentiated to suit his or her abilities, interests and personality. When planning lessons and activities, our emphasis is on fun, enjoyment and challenge.

Vision :

Rise & Shine New Cairo(圖3)-速報App

That your child experience a broad and balanced curriculum which will be differentiated to suit his or her abilities, interests and personality.

Rise & Shine New Cairo(圖4)-速報App
