速報APP / 商業 / Printing Catalog for Tablet

Printing Catalog for Tablet





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Attn: HP Inc. App Store Manager 16399 West Bernardo Dr. MS 65-220 San Diego, CA 92127

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖1)-速報App

This app is made only for Samsung partners, and the pass code is required after installation.

Please contact our developer through email if you want to use it.

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖2)-速報App

Printing Catalog is a Tablet app designed specifically for Samsung Printing Solutions’ partners.

This app enhances efficiency by simplifying access to latest information and keeping partners’ operational costs down through embedded product information. As Printing Catalog provides real-time information, it is faster than ordering any hardcopy brochures and can be accessed from any location.

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖3)-速報App

Printing Catalog displays in-depth product information about Samsung’s complete A3 and A4 printer range including specifications, features and compatibility with complementary printing supplies. There is also additional information about Samsung’s device, output and document management solutions.

To assist sales staff in promoting Samsung’s Printing Solutions, Printing Catalog offers customer case study material and also regularly updated articles that discuss the latest industry trends across financial services, government, education, retail, healthcare and manufacturing.

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖4)-速報App

※ Please optimize the device memory for installation and usage of Printing Catalog.

※ If you use JellyBean or earlier OS, it will operate unstably.

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖5)-速報App

※ Printing Catalog for Tablet has been optimized for a resolution of 2560x1600 and 1280x800.

It might not work properly in other resolutions.

Printing Catalog for Tablet(圖6)-速報App

(Printing Catalog for Tablet Is not supported with the resolution of 4:3 ratio screen)