速報APP / 教育 / Loughborough University VOLUME

Loughborough University VOLUME



檔案大小:50 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Loughborough University VOLUME(圖1)-速報App

Volume is Loughborough University’s new digital magazine. Mixing beautiful layouts with engaging content, this publication is making sure that everything that happens at Loughborough is heard on a global stage.

The digital format allows you to really experience all that happens at the University, through a range of videos, photo galleries, animation and much more.

Volume showcases our innovative work across research and enterprise, whilst also providing an insight into the lives of our staff and student community.

The content of the magazine will remain flexible, meaning each edition will cover relevant issues, as well as the topics that our readers want to hear about.

Loughborough University VOLUME(圖2)-速報App

Volume typically includes:

- Opinion pieces from staff and alumni

- Features on innovative research projects

- In-depth interviews with inspiring individuals connected to Loughborough

Loughborough University VOLUME(圖3)-速報App

- News and events

- Reviews on events and activity

Downloads and notifications

Free to download, the magazine is available to view on iPad and iPhone. All the main content is embedded within the app, meaning once downloaded you can browse through the content wherever you are, without the need for internet connection.

Loughborough University VOLUME(圖4)-速報App

Published twice a year, when a new edition of Volume becomes available, you can request to receive notifications as to when this available to download.


We’d love your feedback on the magazine so please leave us a review! If you have any suggestions or comments on content for future editions please email us at volume@lboro.ac.uk.

Loughborough University VOLUME(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad