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Pro Lessons



檔案大小:127.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Pro Lessons(圖1)-速報App

Ask yourself, “What would BB, Albert, Eric, Jimi, Stevie and countless other legends do?” and you’ll probably find it here. Step into the shoes of the pros and set your axe on fire as you blaze through these nine essential blues/rock moves.

Pro Lessons offers many cool licks in several styles, complete with tabs, ability to slow down audio and video, and a number of backing tracks for practicing.

Many lessons have our exclusive CONSTANT-SCROLLING TAB where even if you don't read music (or read well), the spacing of the notes shows exactly the timing! It's never been easier.

This free app teaches you nine must-know hybrid/modified blues scale licks that combine elements from E major and minor pentatonic, E Dorian, E Mixolydian, and the E blues scales. It also offers In-app purchases with many other lessons.

Pro Lessons gives you the tools, techniques, tricks & licks to step your guitar playing up to a pro level. Get ready to ride to fast track to guitar awesomeness through lessons personally crafted by renowned professional guitarist, educator and producer Mark Fitchett. 

A Pro Lesson teaches you how to play something useful immediately in a practical musical situation. Here are just a few things you can learn how to do from the many lessons available in the store:

+ Construct amazing solos

+ Phrase beautifully

+ Improvise in different styles

+ Improvise in every position and key

+ Play classic licks

Pro Lessons(圖2)-速報App

+ Play interesting rhythm patterns

+ Play all positions of the scales & modes

+ Relate the chords and scales together

+ Use theory for practical purposes

+ Create your own licks

+ Find your own original style


+ Detailed Video for licks and pattern in the lesson 

+ Active scrolling Tab that tracks the playback of video and audio 

+ Slow Down function for the video and audio

+ Looping function for video and audio

Pro Lessons(圖3)-速報App

+ Some lessons are taught in ALL KEYS OVER THE ENTIRE FRETBOARD, automatically adjusting the tablature and pitch of the audio (note that video is generally available only in one key though)

+ Practice tracks in the Learn it! Practice it! Own it! teaching style first available in our Pro Bass(tm) app

+ Notes from Mark Fitchett on style, technique and theory



The Pro Lesson store has many pro lessons to choose from, for example:

+ Mastering the Minor Pentatonic: Volume 1 - the E minor pentatonic scale

+ Mastering the Mixolydian: Volume 1: Anchor Licks for CAGED Chord Shapes

+ Got the Bends? 24 Classic Bend Licks for Blues & Rock Soloing

+ Blues Rhythm Guitar: Blues Rhythm Triads 

and more coming, such as

Pro Lessons(圖4)-速報App

+ Blues Turnarounds - 7 sets including dozens of phrases all available in ALL KEYS and TEMPOS

A note from Mark: “As important as it is, most find it uninspiring learning theory, practicing scales and playing fingering exercises without a practical application. My goal in Pro Lessons is to help you to master the entire fretboard and sound great every step of the way by teaching you the essential licks that are at the core of blues and rock guitar styles. I do believe everything should ultimately be expanded upon by analyzing the theory, scales and chords etc., but first and foremost I believe that if I give you something to play that will inspire you immediately, you will be motivated to continuously develop every aspect of your guitar knowledge. I truly hope to be a catalyst in your quest for guitar greatness and help you gain many valuable techniques to add to your constantly growing stockpile of ultimate pro guitar skills.”

With Pro Lessons you LEARN IT, JAM WITH IT, and ultimately OWN IT!

Pro Lessons(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad