速報APP / 健康塑身 / Hospals - Connect With India's Best

Hospals - Connect With India's Best





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Hospals - Connect With India's Best Hospitals(圖1)-速報App

Hospals is India’s first exclusive app aimed at making medical tourism reliable. Reliable so that patients coming to India for treatment can be 100% sure that they will not be cheated, they will not be made to spend extra and they will get exactly what they were promised. Reliable from the moment patients contact Hospals for enquiries, to their arrival, stay, treatment, recovery and even post care.

Hospals aims to revolutionise the medical tourism industry by making technology and quality services as our key differentiator. First in this process, we bring this exclusive Hospals app for our Associates.

Hospals - Connect With India's Best Hospitals(圖2)-速報App

Hospals - Connect With India's Best Hospitals(圖3)-速報App

Hospals - Connect With India's Best Hospitals(圖4)-速報App