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版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
Brandnew is an online, video based, inspirational learning platform that focuses on the personal development of elite athletes.
Brandnew takes the holistic approach to fully equip elite athletes to transform their lives for further greatness. Now as an athlete, and into their future.
The program is confidential for the athlete, void of judgment or competition. Organizations, or parents can track their athlete's progress, but have no access to the individual athlete's work.
The program is divided in to 5 Powerful Pillars: Discover Who You Are, Define Your Personal Brand, Develop Skills Necessary For Personal Growth, Discuss Issues Relevant To Sport And Life, and Inspire; where athletes can listen to the personal journeys of elite athletes that have come before them.
The engaging, inspiring and relevant content is developed by Experts in their fields. Each module is divided into bite sized segments, that are broken down in to talking head, imagery and slides.
Each module is followed by Reflection Questions that allow athletes to apply what they have learned to their personal lives, and related articles if they wish to read more on the subject.
Athletes will have access to a private facebook community where they can freely communicate with other athletes around the world, and to all experts and inspirers to grow their network.
Brandnew also has a Support Guide created specifically for athletes if they need help and do not know where to reach out.
Brandnew is the difference between an athlete being ordinary or extraordinary. We transform lives for further greatness. We empower the whole athlete to get in the game – body, mind, spirit and heart. We believe the quality of life lived should equal the quality of sport played.We transform the human doing, into a human being. We inspire elite athletes to be extraordinary people.That's the power of brandnew.
支援平台:iPhone, iPad