Kangri Word





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本




Kangri Word(圖1)-速報App

This Android app is a reader for the translation of the New Testament (नौआं निअम) from the Holy Bible (पबित्तर बाइबल) now available in the Kangri Pahari (कांगड़ी प्‍ह़ाड़ी) language, spoken in the Kangra (कांगड़ा) district of Himachal Pradesh in North India.

Kangri Word(圖2)-速報App

Read for yourself of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ (यीशु मसीह़) as written by his disciples (चेले), the Sants (संत), Mathew (मत्ती), Mark (मरकुस), Luke (लूक्का‍), and John (यह़ून्‍ना). Learn about the life and works of the early believers of Jesus in Acts (रसूलां देआं कम्‍मां दा बखान).

Kangri Word(圖3)-速報App

As these apostles (रसूल) shared the Good News (खुस खबरी) about Jesus, groups of believers (बसुआस्‍सिआं दिआं मंडल़िआं) were formed all over the ancient Roman Empire. To guide and teach them, the apostles wrote letters to groups in many different places.

Kangri Word(圖4)-速報App

To the group in the city Rome (रोम्‍मिआं दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं चीट्ठी), the apostle Paul (रसूल पौलुस) taught the believers about God’s plan for the world through the prophesied messiah (मसीह़ा), Jesus Christ. To the believers in Corinth (कुरिन्‍थिआं दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं पैह़ली कने दूज्‍जी चीट्ठी), Paul taught the believers about God’s plan for marriage (ब्‍याह़), spiritual gifts (आत्‍मक बरदान), the resurrection (मरनैं बाह़द भ़िरी जींदे होणा), the place of prophesy (भ़बिस्‍याबाणी) and speaking in tongues (सुअर्गे दी बोल्‍ली) during worship (अराध़ना) in fellowships of Christ (मसीह़ दी संगती). And in the 2nd letter about how God comforts us in all our troubles (दुख-मसीबतां) and use our weaknesses (कमजोरिआं) for His glory. While Paul was in prison for sharing his faith, he wrote four letters different groups urging them to stay fixed in their faith. To the believers in the city of Galatia (गलातिआ दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं चीट्ठी), he teaches them what true freedom is. To the believers in city of Ephesus (इफिसिआं दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं चीट्ठी), he teaches them how to overcome the powers of Satan (सतान्‍नैं दिआ बुरिआ सक्‍तिआ दा साह़मणा करी नैं जित हासल करी लैणा). To the believers in city of Philippi (फिलिप्‍पिओं दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं चीट्ठी), he teaches what they need to do to have true joy in their lives. To the believers in the city of Corinth (कलुसिआ दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं चीट्ठी), he teaches how the believers should live lives of faith until Christ return to earth. To the churches in the city of Thessalonica (थिस्‍सलुनीकिआं दिआ मंडल़िआ ताईं पैह़ली कने दूज्‍जी चीट्ठी), Paul wrote to those who were experience great persecution and encouraging them to stand fast in their faith, and also discusses what happens to believers who have died, and about what will happen at the end of this age of the world (इस जुगे दे अनंत). Paul then writes to several of his disciples, Timothy (तिमुथिअस्‍से जो पैह़ली कने दूज्‍जी चीट्ठी) & Titus (पौलुस्‍से दी तीतुस्‍से ताईं चीट्ठी), who are pastoring group of believers in different places about what true Christian leadership should look like.

Kangri Word(圖5)-速報App

The author of the book of Hebrews (इब्रानिआं दिआं मंडल़िआं ताईं चीट्ठी) writes to Jewish believers that the realities of new covenant (नौंआ करार) through the sacrifice of Jesus (यीशु दी कुरबान्‍नी) are greater than the temporary ones of the first covenant (पराणैं करारे दी पराणी पूजन-बिह़दी).

Kangri Word(圖6)-速報App

Following these are several letters from other apostles written to various groups encouraging them in their various trials. The apostle James (याकूबे दी चीट्ठी) was a wise leader who wrote about what God wants from his people. The apostle Peter (पतरसे दी पैह़ली कने दूज्‍जी चीट्ठी) wrote about the believers’ inheritance in heaven and sharing in God’s nature (परमेसरे दिआ मैह़मा बाल़े कने सिह़द सभ़ाब्‍बे दे भ़ागीदार) here on earth. The apostle John (यह़ून्‍नैं दी पैह़ली, दूज्‍जी, कने तीज्‍जी चीट्ठी) wrote to remind believers of the necessity to love one-another and obey God’s commandments (हुक्‍म). He also wrote the final book of the New Testament, Revelation (प्रकासित बाह़क्‍या), to share the visions he had about the events at the end of this age, and the coming of the New Heavens and Earth (नौंआ भ़रमांड).

Kangri Word(圖7)-速報App