速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers

Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers


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Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 40 stickers of Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Polyptych of Valle Romita

- Madonna with Child Gentile da Fabriano

- Madonna with Angels

- Madonna with Angels

- Madonna With Two Angels

- St. James the Greate and St. Peter, the polyptych Sandei Collection Berenson

- Madonna with Child and Two Angels Gentile da Fabriano

- Madonna

- The Annunciation

- Enthroned Madonna with angels

- Madonna

- Adoration of the Magi Altarpiece, left hand predella panel depicting the Nativity

- Adoration of the Magi, from the Strozzi Chapel in Santa Trinita, Florence

- Adoration of the Magi Altarpiece, left hand predella panel depicting Rest during The Flight into Egypt

- Madonna and Child

- Madonna and Child with Angels Madonna and Child with Angels Gentile da Fabriano Fresco Orvieto, Cathedral

- Madonna and Child with Angels Madonna and Child with Angels Gentile da Fabriano Fresco Orvieto, Cathedral

- Quaratesi Altarpiece, Pilgrims at the Tomb of St.Nicholas of Bari

- Quaratesi Altarpiece, St.Nicholas saves a storm tossed ship

- Quaratesi Altarpiece, Virgin and Child

- St. Nicholas and the Three Gold Balls, From the predella of the Quaratesi triptych from San Niccolo, Florence

Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Two saints from the Quaratesi Polyptych: St. Mary Magdalen and St. Nicholas

- Madonna with Child Gentile da Fabriano

- Adoration of the Magi (altarpiece)

- Astronomy

- Betrothal of Catherine of Alexandria

- Gentile da Fabriano Madonna and Child, with Sts. Lawrence

- Gentile da Fabriano, Nativity

- Grammar

- Loggia (the Founding of Rome)

- Loggia (the Founding of Rome)

- Loggia (the Founding of Rome)

- Madonna in Gloria between Saint Francis and Santa Chiara Gentile da Fabriano

- Madonna with Child and St.Catherine, St.Nicolas and Donor Gentile da Fabriano

- Madonna with Child Gentile da Fabriano

- Madonna with St. Julian and St. Laurenzius

- Music, Playing the Organ

- Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria

- Philosophy and Grammar

- Scipio Africanus

- St. Agnes (wing of a diptych)

- St.Francis

- Stoning of St. Stephen

Gentile Da Fabriano Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- The Bishop (Saint)

- Mary Enthroned with the Child, Saints and a Donor

支援平台:iPhone, iPad