速報APP / 生活品味 / Sri Venkey Matrimony

Sri Venkey Matrimony





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Sri Venkey Matrimony(圖1)-速報App

Sri Venkey Matrimony is the only portal in the history of online matrimony to provide matrimony services for Chettiyar community.

It's the right destination for singles looking for a life partner within their community.

Sri Venkey Matrimony(圖2)-速報App

Highlights of Sri Venkey Matrimony:

1.Services oriented approach for all telugu cast

Sri Venkey Matrimony(圖3)-速報App

2.Access to website in India and Abroad

More trusted

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3.Free and easy profile registration

4.Paid member only can view contact members

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5.Low service charge and more benefits

6.Easy online and offline payment option

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Customer service team to assist you in all the queries raised

You can find our application through these keywords:

Sri Venkey Matrimony(圖7)-速報App

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