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Healthy Baby Food Recipes





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Healthy Baby Food Recipes(圖1)-速報App

Healthy and Easy Homemade Baby Food Recipes | There is no rush to start feeding your baby solid foods, but when it is time, you will have to consider several options. While there are nutritious and safe commercial foods available, homemade baby food is something that is feasible indeed. Understand the various pros and cons of homemade baby food and find out some nutritious and delicious recipes to feed your little one.

Healthy Baby Food Recipes(圖2)-速報App

When to Introduce Solids to Infants?

Healthy Baby Food Recipes(圖3)-速報App

Doctors usually recommend waiting until your child is six months old before you give him solid foods, but this can be earlier in some cases. According to some studies, babies who began eating solid foods at around four months of age had a lowered risk of developing asthma and allergies. Further, babies who are underdeveloped or premature could benefit from starting a solid food regimen early, but it is essential to consult with your paediatrician before doing so.

Healthy Baby Food Recipes(圖4)-速報App

You too can be a purée genius with these wholesome baby food recipes and tips from the new cookbook Real Baby Food. Whether you want to make a lot of baby food or just a little, our yummy recipes will have you blending for baby in no time.

Healthy Baby Food Recipes(圖5)-速報App

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