速報APP / 社交 / Petition






版本需求:Android 7.0 以上版本




Application can be used to sign petition using digital mean instead of paper. It has environmental impact to reduce paper usage. It helps to reduce the administration effort in handling on site petitions; activists can go out with their tablet to ask for signature.

In a democratic country like Sweden, petition can have a serious political outcome.

Example of Usage:

1- Political and environmental activists initiate street petition

2- Political Party internal petition for changes

3- Citizen asking to replace some high ranking bureaucrat in local authorities (councils)

4- Citizen asking for better services from local authorities

5- The international campaign “Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan” or Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan

6- International petition such as campaign against landmines and cluster bombs


Application main feature:

1- Petition Form to sign with a web page to explain the purpose of the petition

2- Login for administration person with no password.

3- Control panel for administration person to configure the following:

a- password changes

b- to email address to send the petition list as pdf attachement

c- web address, the url address for a petition page

d- petition title, the title which will be on top of the pdf document


4- Petition list

a- view the petition list

b- select from the list to delete a row ( long press)

c- send the list to the configured email address.

Known Issues:

1- It is slow in showing the long petition list due to image processing and manipulation. This will be looked into in the next release.

2- The device should has external storage to allow the attached pdf file to be sent; otherwise no attachment will be sent via email.

Please notice, for any other known issue or for additional features, send email to


