速報APP / 家庭 / Kids ABCD Learn

Kids ABCD Learn





版本需求:Android 3.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:info@einzigtechnology.com aditya@einzigtechnology.com http://einzigtechnology.com

Kids ABCD Learn(圖1)-速報App

Teach your child English alphabet in easy and efficient way .

* Real Sound and Human Pronunciations

* Child can Draw images of Alphabets .

Kids ABCD Learn(圖2)-速報App

* Make English Alphabet Learning Fun.

Child can Draw and Learn for Example if Alphabet " L" is pressed then Human Pronunciations along with Lamp Image will Appear . Child can draw Lamp looking to simple drawing illustrations.

Kids ABCD Learn is a free numeric and alphabet teaching app that makes learning fun and easy for children . It features a series of tracing images to help kids recognize letter shapes, associate them with audio sounds, and put their alphabet knowledge to use in fun matching drwaings . Any toddler, kid or preschool age child can learn English and the English alphabet with corresponding subject of things simply by following the images and drawings .

Kids ABCD Learn(圖3)-速報App

Kids ABCD is more than just a kid-friendly educational app, it was designed with adult participation in mind, too. The interface keeps toddlers focused on alphabet reading and writing .

*Kids can learn alphabets , numbers and shapes along with audio sound.

Kids ABCD Features:

Kids ABCD Learn(圖4)-速報App

# Kids abcd learn has images which can be drawn by toodlers

# A nice and easy early education app that helps children learn the English alphabet and numbers

# kids ABCD has Uppercase and lowercase letters to trace.

Kids ABCD Learn(圖5)-速報App

# Time and easy to use smart interface helps kids focus on audio and letters without accidentally exiting the game.

Kids ABCD Learn(圖6)-速報App