速報APP / 娛樂 / GawkBox




檔案大小:17.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 12.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



Team up with your favorite creator's community, level up, and play fun mini-games. Help your team win prizes by playing at your best every day. Connect with your community and build meaningful relationships through live chat. Support creators by sending donations.

How it works :

- Search for your favorite Content Creator.


- Sign up and join the team.

- Earn EP and level up by interacting with your community.

- Help your team win by playing daily mini-games. The highest Team Score at the end of each day wins!


- Each game requires Energy which will be replenished automatically, over time.

Earn Engagement Points (EP):


Interact with your community and play games to earn EP, climb the ranks, and get recognized.

Connect through live chat:

Connect with others in your community through safe and dedicated live chat.


Play for prizes:

Play with your community to get the highest Team Score in the daily game. The highest score of your top 25 team members will equal your Team Score. The Team with the highest Team Score of the day is the winner and a prize is awarded. Prizes are only distributed to creators and are awarded monthly along with any earnings made through donations. A new game starts every 24 hours.



All players will have a maximum of 10 energy points. With each game played, one energy point will be deducted. Energy will be replenished by waiting 20 minutes, per energy point.

Support Creators:


You can donate G-Bucks to your favorite creator. G-Bucks are available through an In-App Purchase from the Wallet section of the app. Donations are paid out monthly to creators in accordance with our payout terms.

Have Questions/Feedback? Reach out to us:

Twitter - @MyGawkBox


Discord - discord.gg/j77TZBP

*Apple, Inc does not sponsor, nor is any way affiliated with GawkBox and/or the prizes.

*Prizes are awarded based on the results of skills based games-- there is no chance associated.


*Prizes are sponsored by GawkBox, Inc.

*Cash prizes are added to creator monthly donation earnings and paid out once monthly using Tipalti (tipalti.com). If you are a creator, you will need to create an account on http://www.gawkbox.com and fill out remittance and tax details to be eligible for payout.

* GawkBox Rules, Terms & Conditions can be found here: https://bit.ly/2GrbdFd
