速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Si

Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Si



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Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Size Guide With recomm(圖1)-速報App

A quick reference guide for flange assembly, stud sizes, stud lengths, wrench sizes and recommended torque patterns and torques.

Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Size Guide With recomm(圖2)-速報App

No charts or sheets to go through just put the flange size, flange rating and flange type you are looking to assemble hit the wrench Icon an your stud sizes, stud lengths, wrench sizes and recommended torques will appear.

Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Size Guide With recomm(圖3)-速報App

Push the wrench again and the recommended torque patterns will be shown with sequence.

Pipefitters Flange Bolt up and Wrench Size Guide With recomm(圖4)-速報App

Made for Pipefitters by Pipefitters.
