速報APP / 個人化 / Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Russia. Novosibirsk, Russkaya.st 41

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖1)-速報App

Fishing float is suddenly bobbed to the side – feels like a really big catch on the hook! Angling on a peaceful lake will be great and perefectly relaxing.

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖2)-速報App

Real fishing for real fisherman

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖3)-速報App

- 6 different water bodies (creek, river, lake, ocean, ...)

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖4)-速報App

- 5 bobbers

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖5)-速報App

- Various times of day (morning, noon, night and evening)

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖6)-速報App

- Realistic physics engine and excellent 3D graphics

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖7)-速報App

- Parallax FX (accelerometer and gyroscope supported)

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖8)-速報App

- Circles on the water by touching the screen

Fishing Float LIve Wallpaper(圖9)-速報App

- Raindrops and ripples

- Power management configurations

- LWP Compatible with tablet computers

Parallax Fishing Wallpaper 3D