速報APP / 地圖與導航 / SendLocation




檔案大小:2.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.2 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



SendLocation is small utility for those who need an application that sends your location to your own server and script. It's dead simple: just provide the server and script and this app will do the rest.

SendLocation supports background updating. The application doesn't even need to be open to get location updates. However when SendLocation is closed or in background it detects only "significant" location changes (a new feature in iOS 4). These changes are typically occuring when changing cell in your mobile network.

By creating your own script you can ..

- publish your location in your own webpage

- make your own "locate my iPhone" service


- send email to your friend when you're nearby

.. use this information for any nice idea that pops in to your mind!

The HTTP GET-method is in following format:


Where you must provide the "http://yourserver.com/yourscript.php" part to application settings.

Speed is your current speed in meters per second (calculated by GPS points) and heading is the course youre travelling towards (also calculated from GPS).

Notice: when this app is at foreground it can send your location in 5 second intervals. This might stress some servers or cause lots of traffic to your server. Please monitor the usage!
