速報APP / 藝術與設計 / Commission an Artist

Commission an Artist





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本




Commission an Artist(圖1)-速報App

How does it Work?

Order Your Artwork Our relevant artists are notified of your request immediately and will review your requirements. You then simply choose your artist and your commission gets underway!

How much does it cost?

It depends on how much you want to spend. We always try to match budgets and we have artists with a huge variety of prices so you should find someone within your budget here.

How can the team at Commission an Artist help?

Commission an Artist(圖2)-速報App

We have very experienced Project Managers who ensure that the artwork you receive is the artwork you want! We also have a great process in place to make sure we stay on track throughout your art commission.

How does Commission an Artist make money?

We add a small percentage onto the artist's price to cover the cost of our time and expenses.

What is the Ethos at Commission an Artist?

Every member of our team wants to help artists thrive and help customers receive the artwork they want. We have a very strong 'can do' attitude and we love bringing your artwork to life! Art should be accessible to all and Commission an Artist wants to help drive this revolution.

Commission an Artist(圖3)-速報App

Why do I have to pay upfront for my artwork?

So that the artist knows you have paid and can work comfortably knowing they just have to do a good job for you now. Your payment is retained securely in our escrow account and only leaves the account once your artwork has been signed off and delivered to you.

What if I don't like the artwork?

This happens very rarely. Our process is such that you are always kept up to date with any development in your project and you can shout up at any time.

I would like to discuss various things directly with the artist, is this possible?

Commission an Artist(圖4)-速報App

Yes of course! We understand that some things are much better explained directly.

Commission an Artist(圖5)-速報App