版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
聯絡地址:XeniaLAB srl c.so Vittorio Emanuele II n. 111 10128 Torino (TO) ITALY
By using the XCALLY Motion app for Android, XCALLY Motion agents can login inside their voice queues and manage the inbound phone calls according to their skills.
The main purpose of such application is to insert the mobile number configured inside the Agent settings inside the Queues, as per the supervisor configurations.
Please note that - in case no mobile number is properly setup in the agent GUI section by the call center admin - than the app will login the SIP account associated to the agent (i.e. an external SIP phone activated somewhere).
The App is particularly useful for remote teleworker customer care agents.
Agents can use both Wi-Fi and 3G connectivity.
Please note that - in order to properly login - agents need to be able to reach the Motion machine.
For more information about the project please visit our web site: http://www.xcally.com