速報APP / 教育 / Solar Map

Solar Map





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本


Solar Map(圖1)-速報App

Have you ever wondered about the inception of our solar system? Maybe you have pondered over the composition of Saturn's rings? SolarMap is an interactive educational app that helps you to better understand our little sliver of the cosmos. You can visit Uranus and learn about its odd tilt or click over to Pluto and read about New Horizons' discoveries. This app features:

- High resolution images of our solar system's major bodies

Solar Map(圖2)-速報App

- Substantial information about each body and a hyper link to NASA for more info

- Custom audio that can be toggled on and off

Solar Map(圖3)-速報App

Solar Map(圖4)-速報App

Solar Map(圖5)-速報App

Solar Map(圖6)-速報App

Solar Map(圖7)-速報App

Solar Map(圖8)-速報App

Solar Map(圖9)-速報App