版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本
Popoalert is an easy way for motorists to track locations of cops issuing traffic tickets in cities across the world.
Use Popoalert to:
Post photos of traffic tickets you receive.
Post photos of speed traps, meter maids, cops hiding on highways, car boots.
Post comments, or vent.
See where the police are before you hit the streets.
See the hot spots in your city in real time.
Make money from your posts. Users share in click revenue generated from their pages.
Avoiding traffic tickets is easy when you know where the cops and meter maids are. The problem with most motorists is that they get a ticket and just drive away.
Don't get ticketed by a cop who issued 40 tickets in the same spot all week. Once you know where the cops are it's easy to avoid them.
Sign up and register for a new account today.