速報APP / 教育 / 51Talk Teacher

51Talk Teacher





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



51Talk Teacher(圖1)-速報App

51Talk is one of China’s premier online English education companies. Through 51Talk, millions of learners across China have access to accessible, effective English education from the world’s best teachers.

This app provides 51Talk teachers across the globe with easy access to their accounts and schedules, all from their mobile devices.

Check out some of the features we’ve included:

51Talk Teacher(圖2)-速報App

Your schedule in the phone

You can now check your class schedule directly from your mobile device, and receive important reminders and updates on the go.

Your local time zone

51Talk Teacher(圖3)-速報App

Set your own time zone and have it automatically converted into Beijing time to stay on top of your schedule.