速報APP / 教育 / GeoScholar




檔案大小:80.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



GeoScholar has everything the avid competitor needs to win geography contests - it brings over 6,000 well-crafted, engaging, and thought-provoking geography questions from the regional to the international level to help you achieve success in geography contests. These questions cover the United States, all seven continents, and different topics such as physical, cultural, economic, political, historical geography, and more.

GeoScholar groups nearly 10,000 locations, facts, place names, physical features, landmarks, and sites by category by state/territory as fact files to help you whiz through the United States rounds and questions of geography bees and olympiads.

GeoScholar will help you avoid obstacles and be on top of your game as you study for your geography bee or olympiad. Master GeoScholar, and you’ll be receiving your finalist, champion, or international ranking soon enough.

"The questions follow the various topics that come up in the bee and simulate the types of questions that come. A must-buy for the Geography Bee contestant!" - Karan Menon, 2015 National Geographic Bee Champion and United States Geography Olympiad Junior Varsity Champion.
