


檔案大小:99.2 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.3 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。



I'm a fun way to create a playlist based on what you ask for. You can listen to the playlist immediately and also save it to Apple Music or TIDAL.

I'm easy to use. Tap the button, tell me what you want to hear, and I will make you a playlist.

1. Tap

Tap the button and I'll start to listen.

2. Talk

Tell me what you want to listen to. I understand artists, genres, moods and more. Ask me, don't be shy. The more you tell me, the better I get.

3. Listen

When playing, I can pause, skip or change the volume. I can even adjust the playlist based on your feedback.

To save a playlist, just view it and tap the save icon. You can also give me feedback on the playlist, and share it.

Let’s get playing the music you like…

• Play David Bowie

• Play some popular music

• Play me music like Iron Maiden

• Play something happy/sad/angry


• Play music from the ‘80s

• Play me something from New York

• Play Bohemian Rhapsody

• Play me Pop

Get specific…

• Play me the song that goes ‘Mama Mia Mama Mia let me go’

• Play a mix of Oasis and Blur

• Play something faster / slower

• Play me music from 1991

• Play me Rock and Pop

Maybe try combining some commands…

• Play me fast hip-hop from the 80s

• Play me angry Viking Metal

• Play me 90s grunge from Seattle


Building your personalised music profile…

• I like / dislike this

• Stick with this artist

Then play something based on your tastes…

• Play something I’ll like

Or, discover something new…

• Play something else

• Surprise me

Get more information…

• What’s this?

• Tell me about this song / band / artist

• When is Kasabian playing next?

General playback stuff…

• Play, stop, pause, skip forward / back, increase / decrease volume


Give me feedback via the social media links and let me know if there's anything you think I should be able to understand.

If I'm struggling to understand your accent there is the option to change the language.

An Apple Music or TIDAL subscription is required to listen although you can chat to me and view the playlist without an account.


支援平台:iPhone, iPad, iMessage