速報APP / 教育 / HVAC Training and Certification prep exa

HVAC Training and Certification prep exa



檔案大小:14.4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


HVAC Training and Certification prep exam(圖1)-速報App

Get HVAC Training you need, prepare yourself to HVAC Certification exam easily and with fun!

Are you in process of getting your Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration license? Or, is this so far in your plans? Do you already attend one of real-time HVAC schools or taking one of online HVAC and R courses? Or, maybe your license is just a step away and you already look through modern HVAC jobs available on the market?

Then this app is for you!

HVAC Training and Certification prep exam(圖2)-速報App

In Units section you will find all the material categorized by different Units. Units questions correspond to most common HVAC college courses sections. It will help you to refresh your particular skills in certain areas of this trade. Guessed wrong? Learn from shown correct answers.

Exam section generates full-scale HVAC & R examination. Every time it starts, it creates a set of questions that consists of equal number of random questions from all the Units, the most accepted practice of learning and certification process.

Achievement section helps you to keep track of all completed Units/Sections and generated Exams.

HVAC Training and Certification prep exam(圖3)-速報App

Temperature Converter is included as a simple handy bonus, helpful in exam preparation and your future career.

Up to a thousand of the most relevant HVAC questions will help you to prepare to your real-life exam. And it’s proven that if learning is fun and game-like, skills and knowledge last longer.

So, what to wait for? Download this helpful tool-app and give your learning so needed boost.

HVAC Training and Certification prep exam(圖4)-速報App


The developer makes all the effort to verify information in order to make it as correct, relevant and up-to-date as possible. No responsibility is assumed, this is just a supplementary learning tool. If you find some of the information, questions etc. aren’t completely right in any way please contact us via Support section of the app.

HVAC Training and Certification prep exam(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad