速報APP / 通訊 / NICE+






版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本





Network for Information on Climate (Ex) Change (NICE+) facilitates gathering, validating and disseminating knowledge for improving farmers resilience towards the impacts of climate change. This application is developed under the project Climate Change Knowledge Network in India Agriculture (CCKN-IA) jointly implemented by GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) and Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. NICE+ is niche application developed for collecting, validating and disseminating information on climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector in India. NICE+ is implemented on a pilot basis in 3 States of India namely Maharashtra, Jharkhand and Odisha. This app works only in combination with a specific web solution developed for this project and is only accessible for registered users. Please register yourself on NICE+ to access this application.

Relevant information is collected in a decentralised process, through this app and the backend system. Generated knowledge products are ranging from custom tailored SMS, voice SMS, Videos, fact sheets and posters. The system is completely open source based and can be accessed through web- and an android based mobile application.


Features developed in CCKN-IA application for successfully collating, validating and dissemination of knowledge products is listed below:

• Modular architecture: Content Aggregation, Creation, Validation, Translation and Dissemination as SMS text, voice messages, video messages and documents.


• Structured input: Information can be collated and stored in a structured way under specific knowledge domain, sub-domain, topics, sub-topics, location specific, commodity, variety, stage, season, insects & diseases, agro-climatic zones specific.

• Workflow: Generated knowledge undergoes validation, translated and dissemination


• Search: Specific content such as crop calendar, crop stage, season , soil parameter and other relevant information for adaptation to climate change can be queried

• Mobile App: Enables tablet based creation of farmer profiles, recording farmers feedback and questions on agrometereology and accessing relevant knowledge products in an online and offline mode.
